Saturday, August 8, 2009

I'm Going Home

Well...a lot has happened in my random, sometimes crazy life, this summer. I have officially quit my job, I am no longer employed and I can't even begin to tell you how great it feels to be out of that office. A huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders, and it is making me feel like leaving and going back to focus just on school was the right choice for me. I have bought all of my books for fall semester, and even though my semester is full of nothing but Biology, Chemistry and Math..I couldn't be more excited :) And I did find health insurance by the way! Haha! The one thing about being unemployed though that is not money. So I am moving back home the last weekend of August, back to my parents, my puppy dog, and my room with my pink wall :) 

It's room mate, Kristen, and I have had just such a great time living together! She is the only girl that I can stand to live with, and vise versa. All of our OC nights, baking desserts, making dinner, cleaning the apartment, farmers market adventures, poking her to wake her up to go on farmers market adventures..I have loved every minute of being her roomie. Kristen called me today after her plane landed (she was in Thailand for a month) and she told me that we only have two weeks left of being roomies and she just realized it, she never cries and she is wanting to cry and this is a huge thing for her. I almost started crying because I don't want to lose an awesome roomie like her. :'( But I have to do what I need to do. Everything happens for a reason :) She will always be my roomie, and she will always be my friend and apart of my life. 

Moving back home will be great! Free room and board, free food, an A/C that actually works! It will be hard to adjust to that "Where are you going, when will you be back" questions. Those questions have not been apart of my daily routine for 15 months! But it's for the best, and it's not forever. I love my parents so much and I love just hanging out with them, they are so amazing and I couldn't ask for better's just hard to go back after not being there for that long. 

Oh, if anyone knows anyone who has a decent size trailer that I can borrow to move stuff back home, please let me know! It would be greatly appreciated! :) 

Things change whether you want them to or not, but everything always works out in the end :) 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Really? Seriously?

Hmm.. well this kind of sucks. So my previous plan to work at the Registrar's Office for another year did not work so well with I decided to push it up to this summer. This decision was eating me alive so I told my boss, Jenn, the other day that I wanted to go back to school full time because that is the most important thing to me but that I don't want to leave this job until after commencement and until everything dies down a little. She was very extremely supportive and understood completely; she even said "hell I would do the same thing! I would quit and go get my masters degree except I have a mortgage to pay". She said she is not mad at me at all, she was just going to miss me and I had to promise to still come by and stay in touch and stuff. Pheeww!! Big weight off of my shoulders!

So I am starting to figure out all of my financial aid for this fall semester and getting my scholarships reinstated, I also asked my dad to look into getting me back on his health insurance since I won't have any after I quit. Well...he looked into it..and the policy at his work is that the "dependents are only eligible for coverage so long asthey are a full time student. Coverage must bo CONTINUOUS, meaning once they have come off the plan they are no longer an eligible dependent and cannot be reinstated." This makes things a tad bit more difficult =S

I want to say that Westminster offers health insurance for students..but I am not quite sure and I am a little afraid to ask Human Resources or anyone about the insurance stuff because that will kind of give the hint that I am planning on leaving-ya I don't want that to get out yet haha. I don't know how I will get health insurance exactly..but hopefully I will be leaving with SOME kind of health insurance..because with me, you never know when I'm going to be going to the hospital or what is going to be sending me to the hospital..weird history haha.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Finally I have decided..

I have not added anything on here for quite a while, and Cindy has requested that I update asap because she is sick of reading my Carrie Underwood story.
So I have been at Westminster College now for 3 years, I have taken about 5 education classes to get my teaching degree, and I have been working in the Registrar's Office full time for a little over a year now ( I have been working here though for almost 2 years) and I have finally realized that I am not happy what so ever doing what I am doing. Working in this office for 40 hours a week, doing the same thing all day everyday, and majoring in education is now what I want at all. The more education classes that I took, the more I realized that I was not happy at all with what I was doing..and I started realizing even more that I am so unhappy and miserable at my job. So, I have decided to change my major to biology so that when I graduate I can apply to veterinary school.
At the end of this semester, I will be a senior, but because I changed my major and because of my work schedule, it's going to take me another 4 years to get my biology degree because I can't go to school full time. I absolutely refuse to take another 4 years to graduate! So this leads to my next decision, I will go part time this coming Fall and Spring semester, and then after that..I am planning on quitting my job so I can go back to school full time, get a part time job at a vet clinic somewhere, and graduate sooner.
Yes, this does mean I am giving up my free tuition, but it's all worth it to me because I have a much bigger picture for myself in mind that does not involve being trapped in an office for 40 hours a week. I hate working in an office, I absolutely hate routine, and I absolutely hate being miserable everyday of my life. It has even reached the point where I have gone home crying just because I am so miserable where I am.
This is going to take a lot of work, there is a lot of math involved and a lot of dedication...but in my opinion, all of the work is going to be worth it if I can get into vet school which is actually very very competitive. There are no vet schools in Utah; my options are: Colorado, Texas, Idaho, California, Washington, and Oregon...these schools are available for me through the WICHE program which stands for Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. It is pretty much an exchange program where if I, hypothetically, get accepted at Colorado State..instead of paying non resident tuition which is $42,000 a year..I pay resident tuition which is $14,000 a year. This is a really great program because it saves sooo much money! But like I's very competitive; I looked at the stats for Washington State last year and out of 26 Utahns that applied to Washington State..1 was accepted. If you don't have above a 3.5 GPA and at least 1 year of animal experience..the committee will not even look at your application they just throw it away.
Like I said, this is going to take a lot of work, a lot of dedication, and I am going to be stressed to the max trying to get into vet school. This is the time where I need love, care, and support from my family the most. My parents have finally come around to the idea of my going into veterinary medicine and are finally supporting me 100%; I could really use the love and support of my sister and all of my amazing cousins too :)